Shawmann Coleshawman
We don’t change the world. But our clients do
Our work - Coleshawmann

There are few species in the animal kingdom that can match the dragonfly for spectacular flying ability. Dragonflies have two sets of wings with muscles in the thorax that can work each wing independently. This allows them to change the angle of each wing and practice superior agility in the air.

Dragonflies can fly in any direction, including sideways and backward, and can hover in a single spot for a minute or more. This amazing ability is one factor in their success as aerial ambush predators — they can move in on unsuspecting prey from any direction.

At Cole Shawmann, we have two teams dedicated to our key areas of operation: business investment and wealth management. Like the dragon fly we look at every angle, and move in every possible direction to guarantee that you get over and beyond results every day.